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Coordinated Opioid Recovery (CORE)
Florida Department of Health in Pasco County
- 727-619-0300
- Pasco.Web@FLHealth.gov
Mailing Address
7509 State Road 52
Hudson, FL
Coordinated Opioid Recovery (CORE) is the first of its kind in the United States and places Florida as a leader in sustainable addiction and opioid recovery.
The Florida Department of Health, the Florida Department of Children and Families, and the Agency for Health Care Administration have implemented a network of addiction care in up to 12 counties in Florida.

To learn more about the CORE Network, visit: flcorenetwork.com
The network does not solely depend on emergency response for overdoses and substance usedisorder, ensuring patients are also stabilized and treated for coexisting medical and mental health conditions. Patients will need dental care, primary care, psychiatric evaluation, maternal care, and social support services. Social support services can address career training, housing, or food insecurity.
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